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I'm Violeta Ayala
Film Futurist, AI Innovator and Creative Tech

"Until the jaguars tell their own story, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter"

"One of the most powerful memories, that you could ever give to anybody, like the experience to hear your story, and you can do that in this virtual experience, we can only imagine what the future could be." BRAIN JAM, GAMES FOR CHAGE JURY

"It feels like a living diorama, like somebody sculpted this art piece" CNET
"Best Non-Linear Narrative…The most ambitious interactive narrative piece this year" VOICES OF VR
"Captured a state of dream logic that I so often want in VR." FORBES
"Pushes against the boundaries of how a story can be told.” NO PROSCENIUM
“Asserts Indigenous aesthetics and cosmologies.” ART IN AMERICA